Councillor Development

Making the Most of Your Term

Now that you have made it to Council, how quickly can you become as productive as possible? What if you could develop a collaborative style to provide the best chance of obtaining the outcomes you want for your community?  Make time before things get too busy, to establish habits and techniques that will pay off immediately.

In addition to coaching individual councillors, I can provide pre-set or tailored programs for groups of councillors in a wide range of Local Government content, including skills not normally included in Councillor induction, such as:

  • Personal Productivity – how to manage the new workload and busy-ness of the role in a tech. savvy way, and being mindful of the need to ensure a healthy life balance.
  • Interpersonal Connectivity – how to make the most of your connections with constituents, fellow councillors, staff members. Understand your own personality preferences and learning how to “read” and communicate better with other types, and with tricky concerns.
  • Being Heard – how to know when to contribute in Council and committee meetings and how to do so with impact, and in a manner most likely to get the outcome desired.

References from former Councillor “coachees” can be provided on request.

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